Tokuzl has the series available to watch.
I am liking it so far, the references to toku are restricted to just Toei shows since they are backing the project, which is mildly disappointing because Ultraman is part of Kenta’s love of Toku in the manga (though the transformation time limit and Spiral Cutter inspired by Ultraseven are intact so they aren’t completely gone). Metal Heroes gets a lot of love, which makes sense since the original source material came out when it was brand new and Katsura-san is still a huge fan.
Black RX gets mentioned as inspiration for the development of Kenta’s Wingman attacks, an alteration to the source material since the manga came out 6 years prior. I constantly pause the episodes looking at all the toys and posters, a good bit catering to the creator’s love for classic 1980s toku while a few others are a nod to director Koichi Sakamoto’s involvement in toku through Power Rangers and Sentai.
Rider does get some shoutouts, especially Kamen Rider 1 since we all know who’s the father of the lead so naturally they had to point that out, not complaining because I got a stupid fanboy grin out of it.