This page is dedicated to the mecha of Legend Hero Samgugjeon.
The Legend Heroes of Legend Hero Samgugjeon have the ability to call upon large machine for giant robot combat. Legend heroes have the option to call for a Final Battle, by raising their Legend Changer into the air and calling out "Final Battle". Final Battles create a sphere around the area of the Legend Heroes, where time for all but transformed Legend Heroes is stopped. By pressing the summon button on the Legend Changer, the Legend Heroes summon their mecha, the Legend Machines. The Legend Heroes then use the Legend Machines to fight, combining into humanoid robots when desired. After a Final Battle is over, all damage done during the battle is undone and time proceeds as normal, as if the giant robot battle had never taken place.
Legend Gear Machines[]
Legend Gear Machines are piloted by the human half of the Legend Heroes, who teleport into the cockpit after the machine is summoned. They are much larger than the vehicles used by the Hero Pieces, and when they combine, the Legend Gear Machines serve as the main bodies of the giant robots, forming the arms and legs. Most of the Legend Heroes do not use a unique Legend Gear Machine. Only three of the Legend Heroes in the show have unique Legend Gear vehicles. The rest of the Legend Heroes use either the same or similar Legend Gear vehicles as several others.
Legend Gear Trailer - Piloted by Liu Bei,
Legend Gear Aero - Piloted by Cao Cao
Legend Gear Cruiser - Piloted by Sun Ce
Legend Gear Destroyer - Piloted by He Jin, Gongsun Zan, Wan Yun
Legend Gear Express - Piloted by Mi Zhu, Dong Zhuo
Legend Gear Gyro - Piloted by Li Jue, Guo Si, Tao Qian
Hero Machines[]
Hero Machines are piloted by the Hero Pieces themselves. After the machine emerges from the summon portal alongside the Legend Gear machine. The Hero Pieces grow to a giant size, and their vehicles open up revealing a compartment that the Hero Pieces fit into. Each Hero Piece has a unique vehicle that only it can pilot. These vehicles share the animal motif of their repespective Hero Pieces.
Dragon Cannon - Piloted by Guan Yu
Turtle Shovel - Piloted by Zhang Fei
Unicorn Racer - Piloted by Zhan Yu
Legend King[]
When the two types combine, a giant humanoid robot called a Legend King is formed. Legend Kings are armed with weapons that are usually based upon those of their Legend Heroes. If the robot is composed of a Legend Gear machine and a single Hero Piece machine, it is simply referred to as a Legend King, e.g. Legend King Dragon. If the robot is composed of a Legend Gear machine and two Hero Piece machines (one of which serves as an arm), it is called a Dual Form, for example Legend King Dragon Dual form. If the robot is composed of a Legend Gear machine and three Hero Piece machines (one forms the head and chest while the other replace the arms), then it is called a Trinity Form, for example Lgend King Dragon Trinity Form.
One of the intriguing features of the show is the way the humans and their Hero Pieces must work together, and that is reflected with the mecha. If a Legend Hero wishes to change his or her armor, then he or she must switch out one Hero Piece for another. Likewise, whichever Legend Hero form the user is in, that Hero Piece vehicle will form the head and chest of the Legend King. In order to switch out to a different Legend King, the user must transform into the corresponding Legend Hero form.
- to be added
Behind the Scenes[]
- to be added