Megaloman (メガロマン, Megaroman) is the name and titular superhero of a tokusatsu Science Fiction/superhero/kaiju TV series. Created by Tetsu Kariya, the show was produced by Toho Company Ltd., and aired on Fuji TV from May 7 to December 24, 1979, with a total of 31 half-hour episodes. Starting with Episode 14, the show's title became Flaming Superman Megaloman (炎の超人メガロマン -, Honô no Chôjin Megaroman).
Like Toho's Ryūsei Ningen Zone, the series mixes elements of the Kyodai Hero genre with those of the Sentai Series (Battle Fever J, the first "Super Sentai", had premiered on TV around the same time). This series features a superhero quintet similar to those seen in the Super Sentai Series, but just like in Zone Fighter, the team's leader/main character Takashi Shishidou transforms into a giant long-haired Ultraman-like colossus, Megaloman.
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Megaloman | Takashi Shishido |
- Black Star Tribe
- Supreme Ruler Smeller
- Captain Dagger
- Berlock
- Black Star Monsters
- Kamakidon
- Goran
- Zaninga
- Dobra
- Ghamelean
- Zuborg
- Thermos
- Unnamed Monster
- Steelness
- Dradozer
- Jammerdo
- Nun-chuk
- Rezak
- Miramonocle
- Boarain
- Unigon
- Parabolan1
- Parabolan 2
- Gyanzer
- Almunga
- Zombieron
- Burrigane
- Suidras
- Bombaron
- Regenerated Almunga
- Sawnga
- Sharklon
- Vaguuma
- Zaturn
- Zvider
- Jadonga
- Buffalone
- Teroguiras
- Deathper
- Captain Dagger/ Giant Dagger
- Takashi Shishido/Megaloman/Captain Dagger: Yuki Kitazume
- Ran Takamine: Madoka Sugi
- Hyousuke Yuri: Pepe Hozumi
- Seiji Kurogawa: Jimmy Araki
- Ippei Mashira: Koji Hashimichi
- Rosemary/Mari Shishido: Yukiko Takabayashi
- Sougen Takamine Yoshio Inoue
- Berlock: Susumu Kurobe
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