Condorman (コンドールマン Condorlman) is the name and titular superhero of the tokusatsu TV series Seigi no Shinboru Condorman (正義のシンボル コンドールマン Symbol of justice Kondoruman) created by Kōhan Kawauchi.
The World Is Under attack from New York based criminal group known as the Monster Clan, led by the mysterious King Monster.
A new superhero is born named Condorman, to fight off the evils of greed, dirt, pollution, and other natural threats to the environment.
Condorman | Isshin Mitsuya |
- Mitsuya Family
- Gentaro Mitsuya
- Tamiko Mitsuya
- Makoto Mitsuya
- Kensuke Mitsuya
- Yoko Mitsuya
- Old Man Taba
- Sayuri Terada
- Condor Jr.
Monster Clan[]
- King Monster
- Mad Scienter
- Satan Gametsku
- Sadler
- Barbe Q
- Dangamma
- Red Bat
- Gokibura
- Gemsler
- Double Bat
- Salamander
- Madam Barbe Q
- Zeni Crazy
- Coinmar
- Oil Snake
- Gillamen
- Gomigon
- Smogton
- Hedoranger
- Majin Combatants
- to be added
- to be added
- The show and its main character are not to be confused with the 1981 box office flop from Disney of the same name.