Wiki-wordmark This is a STYLE GUIDE page- part of a series of supplements to assist you in your editing of the wiki. The STYLE GUIDE is currently in construction. Please be patient.

Coding Japanese Text[]

While most browsers can read Japanese text nowadays, coding can be used just to be on the safe side, with a nihongo template.

The code:{{nihongo|'''Romanized Title'''|Japanese text|Phonetics}}

For example: {{nihongo|'''Space Sheriffs'''|宇宙刑事|Uchū Keiji}}


Space Sheriffs (宇宙刑事, Uchū Keiji)

Word Preference[]

As an English language resource, this wiki will use English words for common Japanese nouns. There are still points of contention but when applicable we'll add them to this list.

Common Nouns[]

  • henshin- use 'transform'
  • senshi- for Sentai rangers, use 'ranger' instead as established in GokaigerIcon-crosswiki
  • gattai- use 'combination'
  • taisen- use 'war' or 'wars', unless its an official Romanization for the title, such as Template:TK and all other Sentai names.
  • kaijin- use 'monster'

Proper Nouns[]

  • Show titles are typically translated unless Romanized officially.
  • As names usually, this wiki will stick to the original names.


The Japanese language also contains the usage of honorifics. When a character is referred to using such honorific and no other name is applicable for them, refer to this:

  • "-san": use Mr./Mister for men, or Ms/Miss/Mrs. for women, depending on the context used by the character and its English equivalent.
  • "-chan": use "Little". (i;e Little AssassinIcon-crosswiki)
  • "-kun"
  • "-sama":