Wiki-wordmark This is a STYLE GUIDE page- part of a series of supplements to assist you in your editing of the wiki. The STYLE GUIDE is currently in construction. Please be patient.

Actually, this article is a work in progress. There are still many facts that can be added, and the article should be complete in time. Please help us speed up the process by adding to it.

This section lists all the official romanizations of names given in Tokusatsu. Only official romanized names are listed, and each are referenced. Unless stated, if a spelling is confirmed on the show, in print (magazine scans, toy packaging), or on an official website (i.e. Toei's, Bandai's) then that's the spelling we use on this wiki. In cases with contradictions, we'll use either what the show itself uses, or failing that, the one with multiple sources.

to be added
